In our over-stimulated, highly spun and monetised world, it can be hard to know what’s for real. Whatever ‘mindfulness’ is supposed to be about, it’s not stimulation, spin and money. So how do we sort the wheat from the chaff?
Stress, busyness and distraction are unlikely to aid one’s efforts to seek out what’s nourishing and discard the husks. But mindfulness, if it prizes anything, prizes wise discernment and the importance of knowing for oneself. So try we must.
Paths have a tendency to get overgrown, to get clogged up with detritus and to lose their markings. Inner paths are no different. Knowing when your path is blocked is wisdom in action.
To skilfully engage with struggles and obstacles that you encounter is to learn something important – that they are friendly forces in disguise, indeed opportunities for learning and growth. Trusting this comes with practice.
No Obstructions
For me, the penny really dropped when an experienced meditation teacher told me that 95% of meditation practice is working with the so-called ‘hindrances’ of sensual desire, ill will, restlessness, dullness and drowsiness, and sceptical doubt. Up to that point, I’d thought it was just me.
Since then, I have come to appreciate that the human birthright is to encounter powerful psychological forces that disturb and obscure inner clarity. Encountering these forces is an indication that there is some form of mental grasping at work.
But it is also a sign that the mind is bringing to light an unskilful habit, which softens and releases through awareness, so such moments are an occasion to rejoice. Really!
8 December 2017
Sweeping the path
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With its assimilation into popular culture as an everyday life practice, the story of where mindfulness came from often gets obscured, if no...
Despite big media’s perennial tendency to set a low bar in its coverage of mindfulness (more on that here ), observing how it treats the sub...
If you are interested in how mindfulness can contribute meaningfully to the world you inhabit, there are two angles you could take on Mindfu...
If you are interested in clarifying and deepening your mindfulness practice, it can be useful to know something of the origin of this fascin...
For over 20 years I have endeavoured to cultivate what might loosely be called a mindfulness-based life. I have practised with many differen...
Modern and ancient perspectives on mindfulness broadly agree on its function as a protective mental quality. This humble mental quality al...
The realisation may already have dawned on you: mindfulness prepares you for the times in which you live. Pandemic or no pandemic, lockdown ...